
Maumelle Charter Schools Athletic Booster Club


Changes Approved May 14, 2024


The organization shall be known as the Maumelle Charter Schools Athletic Booster
Club. It may be referred to in this document as the Booster Club.
ARTICLE II – Purpose

Section 1. The purpose of the Booster Club shall be any lawful purpose under the
Arkansas Nonprofit Corporation Act of 1993, Ark. Code Ann. § 4-33-301, and will
include the following:
The Booster Club is organized under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
as a charitable organization organized and operated exclusively for charitable
and educational purposes. No part of the net earnings of the Booster Club shall
inure to the benefit of any private individual.
Section 2. The purpose of the Booster Club will be to actively support the athletic
programs of Maumelle Charter Schools, collectively referred to as the Schools or MCS,
promote spirit, grow athletics, and foster tradition and sportsmanship.
Section 3. The Booster Club shall actively sponsor fundraising activities for the
financial support of all athletic programs and will encourage volunteerism from its
members and help provide the Schools with volunteers when required to support the
athletic programs, in coordination with the MCS administration, the MCS Fundraising
Committee, the Parent Teacher Organization, and other school-related organizations.

ARTICLE III – Membership

Section 1. Membership is open to any person or business whose interest and
participation does not conflict with the objectives of the Booster Club.
Section 2. Membership begins August 1st and runs to July 31st each school year.
Section 3. Membership will be divided into two categories:
1. Ex-Officio Members: The Athletic Coaches, Athletic Director, Principals, and
the Vice Principals of MCS are automatically members of the organization and are highly encouraged to take part in the activities of the Booster Club. They do
not hold voting rights.

2. Voting Members: A Voting Member is any member who has paid their dues
for the current fiscal year, if required pursuant to Section 6 of this Article.
Section 4. There shall be no discrimination with regards to membership against any
person based on sex, race, color, national origin, disability, religion, age, marital status,
genetic information, or veteran status.
Section 5. Members are expected to follow the rules and regulations of MCS, the
Booster Club, and their respective Officers. Members are expected to exhibit behavior
and decorum normally associated with good sportsmanship.
Section 6. The Booster Club Officers will set the amount of dues (if dues are required
for membership) which may be revised annually prior to the beginning of the fiscal year
and before any dues have been collected for that year.

ARTICLE IV – General Membership Meetings

Section 1. A meeting will take place in September to inform members of Booster Club
status and make decisions for the upcoming year. Another meeting will be held in April
for election of Officers and others meetings will be held ‘as needed’ during the school
year as designated by the Booster Club President, with proper notification to all
Section 2. The meetings will be open to the public, but only members with current paid
membership are permitted to vote and to hold an office.
Section 3. Quorum – The attendance of four (4) Voting Members shall constitute a
quorum for the purpose of voting on any official action of the Booster Club.
Section 4. Rules of Order – Roberts Rules of Order (revised) shall be the recognized
rules of order at all membership meetings.
Section 5. Each Voting Member present at a meeting shall have one (1) vote on
matters that come before the Booster Club requiring a vote. There will be no voting by

ARTICLE V – Board Meetings

Section 1. An orientation Board Meeting will be held in April and include both current
and incoming Officers. New Officers will be inducted in the May meeting. Other
meetings may be held ‘as needed’ during the school year as designated by the Booster
Club President, with proper notification to all Officers.
Section 2. The meetings will be open to the public but only Officers are permitted to
vote. Persons not members of the Board are there to observe and are not allowed to
speak without acknowledgement from the President.
Section 3. Quorum – The attendance of three (3) Officers shall constitute a quorum for
the purpose of voting on any official action by the Board.

Section 4. Rules of Order – Robert's Rules of Order (revised) shall be the recognized
rules of order at all Board meetings.
Section 5. Each Officer present at a meeting shall have one (1) vote on matters that
come before the Board requiring a vote. There will be no voting by proxy.
Section 6. School Representative - The Principals, Vice Principals, Athletic Director,
and/or a representative from the athletic programs of MCS will be encouraged to attend
Meetings and will serve in an advisory capacity to give input and will be a liaison
between the Booster Club and MCS. The administration representative attending a
board meeting will vote in the event of a tie that needs to be broken.

ARTICLE VI – Officers and Descriptions

Section 1. Election of Officers:

1. The current Officers will solicit nominations for new Officers in January
and February of the year. Any Member may nominate themselves or others to
be an Officer.
2. Voting will take place in March from the nominations received. The
Booster Club will elect, by majority vote which may be in person or electronic
vote, one Member to serve as President (in the event of a vacancy), one
Member to serve as Vice President/President Elect, one Member to serve as
Secretary/Communications Officer, two Members to serve as Treasurer and Co-Treasurer/Treasurer Elect. The Vice President will move up to President at the completion of his/her term as Vice President.
3. Terms for officers shall be as follows – President – 1 year;
Vice-President/President Elect – 2 years; Treasurer – 1 year; Co-Treasurer/Treasurer Elect - 2 years and Secretary/Communications Officer – 1 year.
4. All Officers shall be elected before the April meeting and the newly
elected Officers shall assume their position and commence performing their
duties at the final Board meeting of the school year which is to take place in
5. If, at any time, an Officer (other than the President) is unable to continue
in his/her elected post, the President shall appoint a member to fill the
unexpired term. If the President is unable to continue in his/her elected post,
the Vice President shall succeed the President and shall appoint a Vice
President to fill his/her unexpired term.

Section 2. Officers and duties

1. President - The President shall preside at all meetings of the Booster
Club; shall call Special Meetings when he/she deems same to be necessary.
The President shall have general supervision over the affairs of the Booster

2. Vice President/President Elect - The Vice President shall perform the
duties of the President in the President’s absence and shall be Chairperson
of the Membership Committee.

3. Secretary/Communications Officer - The Secretary shall be responsible
for maintaining a current list of Members of the Booster Club; for taking
minutes of all meetings and maintaining a Minutes Book; assisting the
presiding Officer of all meetings in keeping order; ruling on all points of order,
which rulings shall be binding; sending all notices to current Members;
maintaining social media sites; maintaining website if applicable; having final
review of all forms, correspondence material and distributed media.

4. Treasurer/Co-Treasurer - The Treasurer(s) shall be responsible for all monies collected
and disbursements made by the Booster Club and shall keep an accurate
record of same; shall report on the financial condition of the Booster Club at
each regular meeting.

ARTICLE VII – Finances

Section 1. Budgeting – Prior to May 31st of each year, the Booster Club will review
available funds and outline expected and/or anticipated expenditures for the next year
and plans to support those expenditures, i.e., fundraising. A special meeting will take
place in April between exiting and incoming Officers to set the following year’s budget,
which shall be subject to review by the MCS Fundraising Committee.
Section 2. Deposits – Funds raised by the Booster Club shall be deposited into the
MCS Booster Club Account. All Booster Club monies will be earmarked for the sole
purpose of benefiting the various athletic programs’ needs at MCS. Funds collected by
coaches or activity leaders for MCS shall be deposited into the Booster Club account
earmarked for specific athletic purposes by the coach or activity leader.
Section 3. Expenditures – Expenditures shall be approved by the majority vote of the
Officers of the Booster Club and subsequently reported at the next meeting of the
general membership. Any funds donated to the Booster Club or deposited by a coach
or activity leader that are designated by the donor/depositor for a specific athletic team
or specific athletic purpose shall be separately identified on the Booster Club financial
records and shall only be expended as designated by the donor/depositor.
Section 4. The Booster Club shall only approve the purchase of items to the extent that
the Booster Club’s account has sufficient funds to make such purchases.
Section 5. Any checks written on behalf of the Booster Club greater than $500.00 shall
require signatures of two of the following Officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer or Co-Treasurer. Any checks of $500.00 or less must be signed by one of the following
Officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer or Co-Treasurer. Members of the same
household are not allowed to sign the same check.
Section 6. All monies collected will be deposited in the Booster Club account. Incoming
checks must be made payable to the Booster Club.
Section 7. The fiscal year for the Booster Club shall be June 1 – May 31.

ARTICLE VIII – Amendments to the Bylaws

The Bylaws may be amended from time to time. The Officers of the Booster Club shall
propose amendments to the Bylaws. Such proposed amendments must be presented
at a Membership Meeting in writing and must attain a two-thirds majority of the Voting
Members in attendance in order to gain approval.
Any amendments to the bylaws must receive final approval by the APCSI Board of

ARTICLE IX – Booster Club Dissolution

In the event the activity of the Booster Club reaches the point where it must be finally
and legally dissolved, all assets will be donated to MCS athletic programs. The
Executive Director of MCS will distribute the balance of monies to the athletic programs,
subject to the review of the MCS Board of Trustees.

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Our Generous Sponsors:
MK Distributors
Hines Homes
PlayRx Pediatric Therapy
Wis-Pak Brands - BUBBL'R & Hog Wash
Maumelle Massage Clinic
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We Thank Our Members:
  • The Young Family...
  • Michelle & Katelyn Jones...
  • The Welfel Family...
  • Gene Summers Construction...
  • The Clark Family...
  • The Clark Family...
  • the Spraggins family...
  • The Turner family...
  • the Jarratt family...
  • the Arrigo family...
  • Matt Karyn Ridge Aker Adams...
  • The Dailey Family...
  • the Brekeen Wilcox family...
  • The Morgan Family...
  • The Nelson Family...
  • The Greb family...
  • the Poteat family...
  • the Jackson family...
  • the Mobley family...
  • the Diemer family...
  • the Leyendecker family...
  • Kris Eakin...
  • Doug Wilson & Hunter Wilson Insurance Center Inc...
  • The Watson Family...
  • The McFarland Family...
  • Sheila Sharp...
  • Steve & Christy Hornaday...
  • the Henson family...
  • the Diemer family...
  • the Cooper family...
  • The Robinson family...
  • the Fuller family...
  • The Bane Family...
  • The Patton family...
  • the Eakin family...
  • Anonymous...
  • the Cooper family...
  • The Blackwell family...
  • Craig Weston...
  • The Pittman Family...
  • the Greiman family...
  • The Sharum Family...
  • the KINSLOW family...
  • Brad and Natalie Smith...
  • the Willhite family...
  • The Sorg family...
  • Andy and Robyn Barton...
  • The Burns Family...
  • the Rose family...
  • the Long family...
  • the Poteat family...
  • the Camplain family...
  • the Courtney family...
  • Lawnserve of AR...
  • the Morris family...
  • The Taylor Family...
  • the Hudgens family...
  • the Hensley family...
  • the Carden family...
  • the Knight family...
  • McGill Family...
  • the Saini family...
  • Nick & Amber Holder...
  • The Hagan Family...
  • The Watson Family...
  • Justin and Abby Simpson...
  • Radiant Wellness...
  • the Jarratt family...
  • Keely Gray and Grayce Hill...
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